Fall Work Day
Club Work Day.
Our fall work day is this Saturday, October 10th. Please arrive and be ready to start by 9:00 AM. We’re planning a full day of activity which will start with general property/club/pavilion/prop shed/bay/vehicle cleanup, break for lunch (probably pizza so bring your own if you wish) and then get all the stages for the Fall Brawl set up. What to bring?? Here’s what we’ll need so bring any and all you have…….weed eaters, chain saw, leaf blowers, rakes, cordless drills, cordless skill saws…you know your club so bring anything you think will be handy. Be sure to include gloves and eye protection.
Each of us is required to work one work day per club year and this is your last chance to meet that obligation. Even if you made the spring work day (and we thank you if you did!!) this is YOUR club and everyone’s help to keep it in shape is still needed. The more hands we have, the easier the work and the sooner we finish.
Thanks in advance for your support of this great association.