Greetings shooting enthusiasts!!
As we announced earlier, CASA will be hosting our annual Cystic Fibrosis Steel Challenge Benefit Match. The flyer below gives the details of this very worthy cause and now we have an added feature concerning the match to tell you about.
Thanks to the generosity of Rick and Ava at RLN Custom Gear, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and other donors, we have some fantastic prizes for division winners including knives, ammo and other accessories. Don’t miss this chance for a fun shoot, great fellowship and a chance to win a great prize……..all while supporting a wonderful cause.
Registration is open on Practiscore. Go to https://practiscore.com/casa-cystic-fibrosis-benefit-match-sep-2017/register and sign up.
Can’t make the match but want to help out??? Mail your check made out to the “Cystic Fibrosis Foundation” to:
PO Box 242536
Little Rock, AR 72223
Everything collected will be sent to the foundation on September 15th so get your donation to us pronto!!!
Here are the details……..
Ready to have some REAL FUN and support a good cause?
CASA’s September Steel Challenge match will be something SPECIAL. September 9 we will have a benefit match supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 100% of your $10 per gun match fees will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation which is the research team trying to find a cure for this terrible disease. You will also have a chance to donate more to this valuable research.
Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. Breakthrough treatments have added years to the lives of people with cystic fibrosis. Today the median predicted survival age is close to 40. This is a dramatic improvement from the 1950s, when a child with CF rarely lived long enough to attend elementary school. While there has been significant progress in treating this disease, there is still no cure and too many lives are cut far too short.
Our match will consist of 4 of our favorite Steel Challenge Stages (Roundabout, Accelerator, Pendulum, and Smoke & Hope) PLUS we will add 2 speed steel stages (Flying V and Plates with a Twist). Guaranteed fun. Join us.
Cost: $10/gun & additional donations gratefully accepted!!
Sign in: 0815 – 0845
New Shooters briefing: 0845
Shooters Meeting: 0900, with first shot to immediately follow
Awards Ceremony: After last shot
Ready to have some REAL FUN and support a good cause?
CASA’s September Steel Challenge match will be something SPECIAL. September 9 we will have a benefit match supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 100% of your $10 per gun match fees will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation which is the research team trying to find a cure for this terrible disease. You will also have a chance to donate more to this valuable research.
Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. Breakthrough treatments have added years to the lives of people with cystic fibrosis. Today the median predicted survival age is close to 40. This is a dramatic improvement from the 1950s, when a child with CF rarely lived long enough to attend elementary school. While there has been significant progress in treating this disease, there is still no cure and too many lives are cut far too short.
Our match will consist of 4 of our favorite Steel Challenge Stages (Roundabout, Accelerator, Pendulum, and Smoke & Hope) PLUS we will add 2 speed steel stages (Flying V and Plates with a Twist). Guaranteed fun. Join us. Start time 9 a.m.
August Board of Directors Meeting
August Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, August 16
Homer’s West
9700 North Rodney Parham Road
Meal and socializing beginning at 5:30 PM with the business meeting to immediately follow.
This meeting is open to all club members.
IDPA Safety Officer (SO) Class
Greetings shooters,
I think we all realize that without the commitment of our dedicated Safety Officers (SO’s) the IDPA sport that we all enjoy would not be possible. SO’s are the heart of a match. They assume the responsibility for running each stage not only in the safest manner possible but also according to the rules established by the governing body.
The central Arkansas area is critically short of SO’s and we need your help. CASA will be offering a SO training session the weekend of September 23/24. Myrin Young, our resident SO Instructor, will present the class. The training consists of both classroom work and actual range time (mini match) and is one day event. The cost will be $25. There is IDPA criteria for moving up to SO and it’s listed below. There is also a timeline associated with preparation for the training so it’s imperative that you sign up by August 14th! The course fee is required at the time your application is submitted, payable to CASA by check or cash at any CASA event.
This is a great opportunity to increase your own understanding of IDPA and help make the sport even better. Contact Myrin directly at 901-826-3300 or [email protected] .
Please consider taking this next step and become an IDPA Safety Officer.
Here is the criteria for SO candidates. If you have any questions, contact Myrin:
IDPA members applying to take the IDPA Safety Officer Class should meet the following minimum qualifications to be considered:
- Be at least 21 years of age and be able to lawfully possess a firearm under the laws of your country of residence.
- Be a current IDPA member in good standing for at least six months, and never have had their membership revoked.
- Have shot at least six IDPA matches, at the club or sanctioned level.
- Possess a basic knowledge of the IDPA rulebook.
- Be sponsored by an IDPA-affiliated club representative that can confirm
the applicant’s ability to safely handle a firearm and who is willing and able
to provide designated mentor SOs committed to training the graduate SO.
- Discretion on the part of the IDPA SOI in approving SO Class applicants is
permitted to meet the needs of new IDPA start-up clubs and other special situations.
July Board of Directors Meeting
July Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, July 19th
Homer’s West
(Note Location Change!!)