The June Steel Challenge match results are now available on Practiscore.com under the Match Results tab.
The June Steel Challenge match results are now available on Practiscore.com under the Match Results tab.
Greetings shooters,
Saturday, June 14 we’ll be hosting our monthly Steel Challenge club match. Expect five stages of fire with a round count of 125 “IF” every shot counts. Most of us bring lots more ammo!!
Sign in will start at 0915, shooters meeting at 0945 with the match underway by 1000.
For once the rain chances are slim so come join the fun and bring a friend.
Your Steel Challenge Team
Hello, Shooters
Due to the wet conditions on the range today we have decided not to break down the stages but run a special USPSA Club Match next Saturday, June 7th and break down some of the stages after the match. We will run 6 to 7 stages “maybe more” and NO CLASSIFIER stage. The exact stages will be determined later this week and will let you know during sign-in on Saturday which ones we have chosen. Stages have been included for stage reference – 2014 AR Section Match Stages
Plan on 200+ rounds with a match fee of $15
*** Practiscore squadding is NOW OPEN – https://clubs.practiscore.com/casa-uspsa-june-7th-match/register
We will be starting one hour earlier and sign-in will begin at 8:15 am and end at 8:45 am. Please make sure you are at the range and ready to sign-in no later than 8:30am. Shooter’s meeting will begin as close to 9 am as possible.
As always we need help ROing and Scoring!!!
Chad Reynolds will be sending out 3-Gun details later this week but plan to shoot some of the same stages from the AR Section Handgun Championship match with a few modifications.
Jeff Melton
USPSA Director
Hello, Shooters
Final scores have been posted – 2014 AR Section Final Scores
Again, we hope everyone enjoyed the match and hope to see you next year.
Without the dedicated staff we wouldn’t have been able to pull this off and all the help was greatly appreciated. Also, a big thanks to our SPONSORS!!!!
Due to the wet conditions on the range today we decided not to break the stages down and plan to some of them next Saturday in a special USPSA club match and then run a 3-Gun match with some of them on Sunday. More details will come out later today.
AR Section Staff and CASA BOD
Hello, Shooters
We have posted the interim results for the AR Section Handgun Championship. This was a quick export from EZWin score for your review. They will also be posted tomorrow in the pavilion for your review in the standard format. Should you see any corrections that need to be made please wait until tomorrow morning and we will be glad to address them then.
We hope everyone had a great match and thanks for hard work to get it shot in one day!
AR Section 2014 Interim Results
AR Section Staff
CASA will be closed for general shooting beginning Saturday, May 24th and will reopen at noon on June 2nd. This is to accommodate the Arkansas Section Handgun Championship. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Hello, Shooters
Just a reminder that the AR Section USPSA Championship is only a few weeks away and we still have slots available!!!!
Match entry form and stages have been included in this post.
Click here for – 2014 AR Handgun Championship Entry Form and Waiver
Click here for Stages – 2014 AR Section Stages
Hotel Information
Wingate by Wyndham – 212 S Shackleford Road – Little Rock, AR 72211 – 501-227-6800-P / 501-227-6819-F
Rate – $79.00 per night plus 11.5% tax
Group Rate is under both CASA and Central Arkansas Shooters Association. If you encounter any problems getting the rate, ask for Tenisha Jackson (administrative assistant).
Hello, Shooters
Match scores have been posted – https://practiscore.com/results/?uuid=BFD47906-10DF-4F32-B906-D66B5B83DD67 Search for CASA if you have trouble opening the link.
We hope everyone had a fun time and thanks again for all those that helped setup, work and teardown the match.
The Arkansas Section USPSA Handgun Championship is coming up next month. We still have slots available and entry form and information is available at http://www.casarange.com/?page_id=50&event_id=747
Jeff Melton
Hello, Shooters
CASA will be holding our monthly USPSA Match on Sunday, May 4th . We are planning to shoot 6 stages with a round count of 160+. Match fee is $15.
Extended forecast looks good, but with my luck there could be a monsoon 🙂 Temps are projected to be in the low to mid 80’s and we will have water available on the range.
Please check our website www.casarange.com on Saturday afternoon for any changes.
You can pre-register for the match so you can shoot with your friends https://clubs.practiscore.com
We will be setting up on Saturday morning starting at 9am and as always your help is greatly appreciated!
Sign-in will begin at 9:15 am and end at 9:45 am. Please make sure you are at the range and ready to sign-in no later than 9:30am. Shooter’s meeting will begin as close to 10 am as possible.
As always we need help ROing and Scoring!!!
Jeff Melton
USPSA Director
That’s right shooters, a chance for two great matches in one trip to the range!!! All on Saturday, April 12. We’re offering this opportunity to accommodate our club spring work day set for the following the weekend.
IDPA- Set up begins at 0730 and help is always appreciated. Stages don’t set themselves up and the more participants we have the easier it is for all so come out and help. Registration will open at 0930 with shooting beginning as close to 1000 as possible. There will be four challenging and fun stages of fire so bring lots of ammo. Match fee is $10.00.
Steel Challenge- Registration will open as soon as IDPA is complete but no later than 1230. Shooting begins at 1300. Match fee is $10.00 and there will be four stages of fire. This will be a great opportunity to start getting you trigger finger in shape for our Natural State Steel Challenge Championship scheduled for June 28 & 29.
The weather is looking good (finally!!!), the opportunities for fun are plentiful and what better way is there to spend a Saturday. Come out shoot both match or just take your pick. Tell a friend. We look forward to seeing you at the range.
Bill Waters
CASA Communications Director/IDPA Team Member