January 4th USPSA Club Match
Stage changes and round count change – 172 rounds!
Hello, Shooters
We have removed a stage and added a couple of more based on weather conditions today. Round count has increased to 172 and we have added a 40 round stage. Please make sure to bring additional ammo and magazines.
Revised USPSA Jan 2015 Match Stages
CASA will be having our USPSA Monthly Club Match SUNDAY, January 4th!
Sign-in will begin at 9:15 am and end at 9:45 am. Please make sure you are at the range and ready to sign-in no later than 9:30am. Shooter’s meeting will begin as close to 10am as possible.
Plan to shoot 5 stages with a round count of 130+. Match fee is $15.
Please check our website www.casarange.com on Saturday afternoon for any changes.
You can pre-register for the match on Monday so you can shoot with your friends https://clubs.practiscore.com
We will be setting up on Saturday morning starting at 9:30am and your help is greatly appreciated!
As always we need help ROing and Scoring!!!
Jeff Melton
USPSA Director