The June Steel Challenge match results are now available on Practiscore.com under the Match Results tab.
The June Steel Challenge match results are now available on Practiscore.com under the Match Results tab.
Fall Brawl Date has Moved
The date of CASA’s Fall Brawl, our IDPA sanctioned match, has move to October 18th. This is necessary to avoid conflicts with other regional events.
Please print the attached application and waiver for details. We hope to see you there.
Mike Plato
IDPA Director
CASA March 2014 IDPA Club Match
Greetings shooters,
CASA will be holding its March IDPA club match this Saturday, March 15th. Set-up begins at 7:30, sign-in at 9:30 and shooting at 10:00 AM. There will be five stages of fire with a minimum round count of 84. See the attachment above for the stage descriptions.
Club matches are open to anyone interested in learning and competing in the IDPA sport or just practicing skills relative to self defense with a hand gun. Beginner, Novice or Master, there’s a place for everyone in a safe, friendly and helpful (for those who want it) atmosphere.
Please consider showing up early and lending a hand with set-up. The more we have the easier it is on everyone and the effort will earn club members a chance in the drawing for a new gun at our annual club meeting. Your assistance will also help us start shooting on time.
See you at the range.
Bill Waters
IDPA Team Member
Hello, Shooters
The USPSA NROI “RO” Class schedule for March 1st and 2nd is FULL. If you are interested in attending we are putting together a waiting list.
Please contact Jeff Melton – [email protected] if you would like to be added to the waiting list.
Jeff Melton
USPSA Director
Greetings shooters,
Our senior IDPA member and SO instructor points out that there are some differences to the classifier gun division rules and shooting procedures in the new rule book . Here are some examples of how they may apply to you. See the IDPA Rule Book, Section 9 for more detail.
9.3 The score obtained by shooting the Classifier can be applied to other Divisions where the equipment and ammunition used while shooting the Classifier meets the requirements of those other Divisions. The shooter must notify the MD before the Classifier begins of the intent to apply a single score to multiple Divisions and the MD must verify that the equipment and ammunition meet the requirements for multiple Divisions.Some examples are given in the rule book, but here are a few more.A shooter using a double action/single action .45 for CDP (165 PF) could have the score apply to SSP and ESP IF all strings begin hammer down to meet SSP requirements. If the gun used was in single action mode, the score could only apply to CDP and ESP.I could shoot my 9mm CZ SP01 starting hammer down and my score will apply to both ESP and SSP, but can’t apply to CDP because of the lower 9mm PF.9.7.4 Shooters may fully load their normal IDPA compliant magazines.9.7.7 String 1 All shots must be fired while moving STRAIGHT FORWARD toward T2 (no weaving)String 2 All shots must be fired while retreating STRAIGHT BACKWARD from T2 (no weaving)See you at the range,Your IDPA Team
Matt Mink – Enhanced Competitive Shooting Class Dates – contact Matt Mink at [email protected]
Matt Mink is offering an Enhanced Competitive Shooting Class open to all CASA members for a discounted rate of $100 on the following dates:
Sept 4th – (Wednesday)
November 9th – (Saturday)
Time: 1pm – 5pm (4 hours)
Cost $100.00
Matt is a “World Class” competitive shooter and holds several world and national titles as well as USPSA Grand Master and IDPA Distinguished Master classifications. Whether you are new to competitive shooting or just want to fine tune your skills this class is for you.
Space is limited so contact Matt ([email protected]) soon if you want to register or need more details.
CASA Board of Directors
Hello, Shooters
The 2013 AR Section Handgun Championship results have been posted.
Sorry for the delay!
We appreciate everyone coming out to participate and hope you had a fun time. Saturday was a rough day but Mother Nature made up for it on Sunday and it was a great day of shooting. Special thanks goes out to the staff without the volunteers the match wouldn’t have happened.
Hello, Shooters
2013 AR Rackensack Classic Match Booklet is now available.
Rackensack Staff
As of today Monday, March 11th registration for the match is CLOSED.
If your entry has been postmarked on or prior to Sunday, March 10th we will allow entry into the match. Entries postmarked on Monday, March 11th or later will be put on a waiting list and slots will be opened based on availability. You will be notified via email if we can work you in.
We would like to thank all the shooters for making the trip to central Arkansas to shoot the 2013 AR Rackensack Classic, especially those of you traveling from out of state. Texas holds the record for the most shooters “God Bless Texas”!
Match booklet and final shooters list will be posted in the next few days and emailed to shooters.
Rackensack Staff